Saturday, March 30, 2013

Yes I deleted my facebook. At the moment I am regreting that decision. Why did I need to delete all my photos and posts? I cant just get on there anytime and check out status updates and check out what everyone is doing anymore. I kinda feel like im stepping out of the loop of real life. But in reality that is exactly why I had to delete it. I spent too much time on FB. I would spend hours checking statuses. liking photos and scanning and reading up on everyones life. In fact whenever I take a good photo I think oh yeah this on is going on FB. I think of the comments I will post. I wait for the little icon to tell me I have a new message or that someone has commented on my photos or status. Too much of my life lately has revolved around thinking about it. Im an addict. I know this and I cant just stay off of Facebook. Ive had alot of people ask me to just keep it cause they like the pics i post. Or they like to be able to keep up with me and the kids and that is the fastest way. I am addicted and I just cant do that. Ive tried alot over this last year to just stay away and it always sucks me back in. That conference talk a few confrences ago was about not spending so much time online and spending more time with the people you love. That has been stuck in my head for awhile now becasue I just cant seem to do it. Addicts first have to admit theres a problem right? Well ive done that I have a problem. The second thing that should be done is to quit that addiction correct? well that is why I had to delete it all. I could deactivate my fb. Try not to ever log in again. But if I did It all just shows back up again and like I said I just get sucked back  into the nonsense of it all.
I NEED to spend more time with my kids. To much of my time is spent sitting right here at the computer telling my kids to just go play when I should get my butt off of the computer and actually go play with them. Teach them the things they need to know. I had the missionaries over here the other day. They taught me more about Christs atonement and i feel like I understand it a little more. I just was imagining my boys as missionaries. Would they go? With me being the only one in my house attending church. The only one who can teach them of the love that Heavenly Father has for us. The values, morals, commandments that we should all follow. Would they actually go? Or will they fall into the ways of the world. Mabye try and follow in there dads footsteps. And not even believe in religion or God.  Already I have issues with Leo not wanting to go because "dad doesnt go" and " church is so boring". I need to start teaching them kindness and love. In order for them to learn that they need to see and feel that. And in order for that to happen I need to declutter my life and my thought. 1st step in doing that is taking away a major distraction for me which is FB. Sound stupid. I wish I could keep it and go on and do all the things I want to. But I knowI just cant and this is my attemt at changing. Ive changed quit a bit in the last few years. But im still not were id like to be. I need to spend more time reading my scriptures. Saying prayers, Teaching my children, and being a good example. I will keep up on this blog from now on. I will  post all my photos and whats going on in our lives. Im not falling off the grid here. Thats not the point of this. and since I dont usually post anything with out a picture. Here is what we did today.. We went on a egg hunt in Bellefonte. It was a nice sunny day. And it was more like a egg gather. They just layed out thousands of eggs on the huge lawn sections of the park. People gathered around until they said ready set go and all the kids went running out and grabbed as many eggs as they could. My kids got  mabye 10-15 each. They had a blast. We saw the easter bunny and spent some time outside. Finally the weather is warming up Yay! it seems like its been a long winter. So from now on I will be updating this blog. I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing the right thing for the right reason. Thanks for your example, I need it. Your family needs your time and attention far more than fb friends. Writing is very are braver than I am to make it so open. Thanks for sharing. Continue to share your testimony in short phrases and your living example. Children are very perceptive....they are far more receptive than we usually give credit for. I love you Sabrina!
