Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My computer is still not working at the moment. I have alot of photos and im sure im gonna want to post them all but wont be able to. We had a great 4th of July. We went to the beach. It was so packed we had parked 4 blocks away and had to walk down . We stayed only about an hour or so. Eric, myself and im sure Leo all have sensitive skin so we never stay out too long. Then we headed down to a friends place in San Diego. They live right by Sea World so we watched there fireworks show. Leo loves lights so he had fun. It was a little chilly so we just bundled him in a blanket. We had off roaded the car in a huge open field that people were gathering in. We layed down a blanket and I had put my phone down. I was taking photos. So when It was over we didnt want to get stuck in all the traffic so we grabbed the blanket up threw it in the trunk and bolted. Luckily being where we were offroad we got out of there pretty quick. But uh-oh. I realized on the way home that I had my phone on the blanket. We checked the trunk when we got back to our friends in hopes that it got tossed in with everything. but no phone. We hung out for a few hours before heading home. But we went back and luckily Eric has a great sense of direction because we got out there got out of the car and called my phone. It was about 15 ft away from the car. He's good. So I did get my phone back. Im glad we didnt wait till daylight because my battery was dying, it was beeping to be plugged in when we found it. And during the day we knew it would be louder so im glad we went back and got it. We also found out that they were doing that same show the next night so we headed back down there and watched em again. The second time there werent nearly as many people. So we got an amazing spot. As close as we could have gotten. We were right under them this time. Eric held Leo's ears cause it was so loud. My ears were buzzing after it was done. It was fun. I will post photos just as soon as im able. Peace and Love

1 comment:

  1. When you do the photos just make a slide show at slide.com and you can add lots without making the post super long.

    Love You!
